Bullying behaviour book now available on Amazon
Finally Intervening In Bullying Behaviour: Nine Ways to Take Direct Action is now published and available to buy from amazon.com. If you are dealing with bullying behaviour it is a major challenge to find and use successful ways to intervene. The book gives you step by step instructions Read More...
Bullying behaviour book release soon
This post was suppose to say that you could now get your copy of Intervening in bullying behaviour: Nine ways to take direct action. Instead the update is it will still be a couple more weeks away. Read More...
New bullying behaviour book due out soon
Sorry for the lack of posts recently. This has been due to devoting a lot of attention to the new book which is due out soon. Intervening In Bullying Behaviour: Nine Ways to Take Direct Action is in the final stages of production and should be on sale by the end of September.


Review - Mobbing: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions
17/04/13 10:14 Filed in: resources
What could be worse than being subjected to bullying behaviour? The answer is in Mobbing: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions. Mobbing happens when a group of people gang up and use bullying behaviour. When the target tries to get help, the organisation supports and sides with the group doing the bullying behaviour. There is a lot more to mobbing than that and it is clearly explained in Duffy & Sperry's book. It contains four parts: Introduction, How mobbing develops, Consequences & recovery and Solutions & prevention. Read More...
Another good bullying behaviour interventions book
18/10/12 10:27 Filed in: resources
My investigations into bullying behaviour references has found another great book to help you deal with this difficult issue. Ken Rigby provides a great summary of 6 different approaches and is recommended. Read More...
Messages: The Communication Skills Book
08/08/12 10:02 Filed in: communication | resources
I was looking through one of my many bookcases and noticed a book that I have had for around 20 years. Flicking through it I realised why I had kept it for so long. It is full of great practical information and tips on effective and assertive communication. Messages: Read More...
Goodreads.com giveaway closes with 802 interested
16/07/12 13:40 Filed in: resources
I offered the chance of getting 9 free copies of my book through a goodreads.com giveaway which closed recently with 802 people interest in getting a copy. For those selected to get a free copy I mailed the books today by air mail. A big thanks to everyone Read More...
Free copies available
21/06/12 16:55 Filed in: resources
To celebrate completion of publishing the book I thought it would be a good idea to have people have a chance to get a free copy of the book. There are a limited number of copies available. To find out
Amazon kindle ebook now available
13/06/12 12:19 Filed in: resources
I am really happy to announce that the kindle addition of Encouraging Appropriate Behaviour: A Six-Step Approach is now available at amazon.com You can now get Read More...
10 days to a less defiant child
29/05/12 12:03 Filed in: resources
10 Days to a Less Defiant Child by Jeffrey Bernstein, PhD is recommended reading. This is the book I wish I had when I started out in youth work. Working with youth at risk you dealt with lots of different sorts of behaviours. I had lots of parents asking me how we did it and ... Read More...
Book now available from Amazon.com
19/05/12 14:01 Filed in: resources
I am really happy to announce that you can now buy the book on Amazon.com Only the paperback version is available from Amazon at the moment but
Help in finding solutions to childhood issues
03/05/12 11:28 Filed in: resources
Kids' Skills - Playful and practical solution-finding with children by Ben Furman is a book I would recommend to any parent or teacher of children. It offers a solution focused approach to helping children develop skills that overcome everyday problems. Read More...
Book soon to be release on Amazon
20/04/12 10:06 Filed in: resources
Now that the dust has settled on publishing the book I am looking at ways of making it easy to get hold of a copy. That means an ebook version and availability on some of the biggest online stores. The aim is to have these purchase options available towards the end of May but hopefully sooner. Read More...
Author Questions and Answers
08/04/12 10:31 Filed in: myself
I am sure there are plenty of questions people want to ask about the book and how I came to write it. So I put together a Q and A which should satisfy many of the queries people might have. Rather then bury them in the blog I have created a web page with all that information in one place. So if your interested in knowing:
Who should buy your book?
Why should people buy your book instead of a different book on the subject?
Who should buy your book?
Why should people buy your book instead of a different book on the subject?
See inside the book
07/04/12 15:23 Filed in: resources
So people can try before they buy, I thought that they might want to look inside the book. I know I do when looking at books on Amazon. If I cannot take a look inside then most times I wonder if it is really what I want. So click on the book cover image below and take a closer look if you have not already.
Benefits of what is in the book video
06/04/12 16:15 Filed in: resources
If you having been looking around the website you may have already seen the video of me discussing the benefits of the book. For those that have not, the video is below as well as the transcript.
A quick tour of inside the book
06/04/12 15:04 Filed in: resources
A quick summary of what you will find in the book. The book contains:
Book now available for purchase
04/04/12 07:18 Filed in: resources
After the slight delay I am now happy to announce the book is available for purchase online through the bookshop run by publish-me.com.au The buy page and side bar on most pages has the link which will take you direct to the book page on that site. From there you can select the postage option and then go on to payment. Secure payment is handled by paypal and you have the options to pay by a paypal account and of course mastercard, visa or discovery card. Other online options are coming soon. Read More...
Availability via online purchase delayed
03/04/12 08:45 Filed in: resources
I want to apologise to any who looked at the site sunday, yesterday and today hoping to make a purchase. There has been a few problems getting the book listed in the online book stores. This is currently being attended to. Read More...
Eight benefits of using the six steps approach
28/03/12 15:03 Filed in: BECOME
Following on from my last post about what are the six BECOME steps, I thought people might want to know about the benefits of using them. The benefits include:
- encourages appropriate behaviour
- creates a structure that gives you confidence to address issues
Launch date of book set for 1 April 2012
27/03/12 10:52 Filed in: resources
I am writing this waiting impatiently for the door buzzer to go. My books are on the way by courier from the printers and hopefully they will arrive today. So it is time to set a launch date for the book. Read More...
Why encouraging appropriate behaviour?
26/03/12 15:03 Filed in: resources
It has take about 14 years to get to this point. I spent lots of time thinking about how we deal with inappropriate behaviour. The more I tried things out, researched and read the more obvious it became. You are far better off... Read More...
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