New bullying behaviour book due out soon
Sorry for the lack of posts recently. This has been due to devoting a lot of attention to the new book which is due out soon. Intervening In Bullying Behaviour: Nine Ways to Take Direct Action is in the final stages of production and should be on sale by the end of September.


Fun and jokes verses bullying behaviour
15/03/13 09:18 Filed in: behaviour | principles
One of the most used excuses for explaining or justifying bullying behaviour is that it was just some harmless fun. "It was just a joke" or "we were all just having a bit of fun". So where is the line? How can you tell when behaviour crosses over and becomes bullying behaviour. This is difficult question to answer but here is some tips. Read More...
7 Types of actions that mobber's use
14/01/13 10:17 Filed in: behaviour
The difference between mobbing behaviour and bullying behaviour can initially be confusing. But we should not get to distracted by the terms as the individual behaviours are basically the same. What is different is that rather than just one or a few people use this behaviours towards the target, everyone gangs up and joins in mobbing the target. Trawling through a list of example behaviours lead me to create the following seven categories of behaviour. Read More...
Dead Person Test checks if what your asking is a replacement behaviour!
You see a behaviour and respond. This should include a description of the behaviour so they know what needs to change. An effective method to modify behaviour is offering them another option of how to behaviour. This little test can help you make sure you are giving them a replacement behaviour option. Read More...
Preventing Workplace Bullying
19/08/12 20:34 Filed in: resources
Preventing Workplace Bullying: An evidence-based guide for managers and employees is a useful book for understanding the issues involved and helps give guidance about how to deal with it. While it is written with Australian workplaces in mind - using australian laws and cases - it has lots of useful insights that make it a useful for any workplace. It has 4 parts starting with Read More...
5 ways to respond to the cold shoulder
There are times when people communicate or act in a way that is dismissive, negative or lacks warmth. When this happens at the first meeting it can be awkward. But when it happens with people we know and have a ongoing relationship with like coworkers and peers, this can be difficult and creates problems. Here are 5 questions you can use to try and resolve the problem. Read More...
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