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Three ways of asking questions that should be avoided

When you meeting with others to talk about issues it can be very tempting to start off with a question. This can help raise the issue in a non threatening way and also find out more about the issue. It can help you find out how the other person views the problem. But you should avoid doing the following
1) Do not start of with "why" questions - It can sound like you are accusing the person and they will try and justify themselves. A more open type of question like 'do think there is any issues with …?' can help get the conversation started.

2) Give time to answer questions - make sure you stop talking and listen. They may need time to think of an answer or process what you have been asking. By jumping in straight after asking the question gives the impression you are not really interested in what they have to say. Silence can be uncomfortable but you need to be able give the person time to answer thoughtfully.

3) Avoid compound questions - where your ask 2 or more questions in the same sentence. "Do you think there is any problems going on and what should we do about them?" is an example. It seems to suggest that you already know the answer to the first part and you want to move straight to the second question. Ask only one question at a time. Once you have establish there are problems and what they are then you can more to what the solutions are.
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