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A quick tour of inside the book

A quick summary of what you will find in the book. The book contains:
  • BECOME six-step approach
  • 14 principles of how to approach situations.
  • 13 tools to help understand the problem.
  • 10 response styles.
  • 20 effective strategies to try.
  • Case studies show you how to put these into practice as you follow the six steps.

An earlier post discussed the eight benefits of the BECOME steps. But what are the benefits of everything else in the book?

Having principles to follow:
  • helps you avoid pitfalls
  • builds your self confidence to handle situations effectively.

Having a range of tools to use:
  • can change your perception about problem behaviour
  • reveals other possibilities and perspectives and gives you new insights
  • helps you display and model assertive behaviour
  • builds your knowledge and understanding about the behaviour.

Providing a range of possible strategies:
  • allows you to create new ways of dealing with issues
  • empowers you by extending your response options
  • gives you powerful options for taking charge of situations.

Of course the case study will help you understand how to put it all together and use all the tools.
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