Raising children network
08/06/12 18:15 Filed in: resources
I came across this excellent website, raising children network a few days ago and I highly recommend it. The raising children network provides a hugh range of helpful information for parents of children of all ages including early teens. Also available is a large range of short videos that address a range of topics.
The website and content is created by a partnership of member organisations of Australia’s leading early childhood agencies and is supported by the Australian Government. The site has 9 areas based on the age of the child.
New born (0-3 months)
Babies (3-12 months)
Toddlers (1-3 years)
Preschool (3-5 years)
School age (5-8 years)
Pre teen (9-11 years)
Early teen (12-15 years)
Special needs (autism and disabilities)
Grown-ups (information on parenting)
A quick click through to each section shows a range of topics and information ranging from behaviour, development, health and nutrition, common issues/concerns and communication.
There is lots of great videos that demonstrate ideas and how to overcome challenges. Plus it has a make a book feature where you can select the topics you are interested in and it creates a pdf book of the information for you to download and read when it suits you.
Check out the raising children network at http://raisingchildren.net.au/
New born (0-3 months)
Babies (3-12 months)
Toddlers (1-3 years)
Preschool (3-5 years)
School age (5-8 years)
Pre teen (9-11 years)
Early teen (12-15 years)
Special needs (autism and disabilities)
Grown-ups (information on parenting)
A quick click through to each section shows a range of topics and information ranging from behaviour, development, health and nutrition, common issues/concerns and communication.
There is lots of great videos that demonstrate ideas and how to overcome challenges. Plus it has a make a book feature where you can select the topics you are interested in and it creates a pdf book of the information for you to download and read when it suits you.

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